Part 18: The Drokonia Fake Out
Chapter 17 The Drokonia Fake OutWhere we last left off, we had just completed a whole bunch of sidequests. Our objective since the chapter before last has been to deliver the ThunderWind Stone to Dareks Haunt and get on our way to Drokonia.
For once in this LP, lets go straight to the objective.

Dupon: Whoa! Its huge! Ive never seen a ThunderWind Stone this big!

Yahn runs off to do as much.
Dupon: Ive got to say. I didnt think theyd actually go find one for us. Im impressed.

The Crew: Aye aye, Captain!
The Blood Hawk begins to sail.

In a master class of intelligent thought, Kenjiro here has not only snuck into a pirates den, but also decided that he can somehow make a lot of money off of their venture, and is now going to jump onto their ship and somehow climb in and hide.

A short animation of the Blood Hawk sailing plays. Drokonia is of course the big island with the map marker.

Now Playing Quiet Ruin
Kazanjima Dorukonia. No, not like our Kazan. The translation is on point.

Now Playing Already Rented

This is why Sharons the best character: where everyone else balks at the idea of just smacking Kenjiro when hes being an annoying and obstructive shit, Sharon just boots the bastard in the face. Imagine how quickly wed have gotten the Mizel Red Sand with her around?

Its hard to tell by screenshot, but Sharon here is kicking Kenjiro towards the ship.

Kenjiro then runs off to the ship of his own volition.

So yeah, once again, were being diverted from actually completing the plot. Woo.
We are now free to leave and head to Jinga. But, were also free to head to any other place we feel like too.

Ill take this moment to mention that when moving around on the map, you usually see Langs sprite run to the different locations. For anywhere we need a boat to get to, we see the Blood Hawk sailing. If we try to move to, say, Drokonia from Nohl, Lang will run to Dareks Haunt and then get on the Blood Hawk.
Speaking of Dareks Haunt, lets go there again. Now that the plot is over in regards to it, we can find our party members there.

As if we needed any more obvious hints that Kazan had something to do with these pirates.

Kenjiro is now permanently stationed on the Blood Hawk, and you can find him any time youre in Dareks Haunt. He sells everything, but the really useful stuff he sells wont come up until later.

Trying to convince Maya that the pirates are evil just gets her mad at you. But either way, Sharons gang are clearly not evil, the people in Tanza said as much. Theres no reason not to agree.

Lets see some camp chats while were at it.
On the Sea

Riding the Blood Hawk

Of course Cocky Lang enjoyed his adventure.

Silly love rivalry aside, Sharon surrendering her captaincy to some dude just aint right.

Him being an acquaintance is the most correct option.

Now, we could go on to Jinga from here. Or ..

Remember how the bartender in Kravia told us about this place? Once we get free reign with the Blood Hawk, we can come here before the plot compels us to.

Now Playing Dream of Paradise
Gokurakujima Foochuun. Exactly as translated.

Before we can enter freely, the man in charge stops us with his bunny girl cadres.
Demetrius: This is Paradise Found!!! This! Is! Phorchoon!! Pardon me, Gentlemen. Do you have any form of I.D.? This is the most exclusive of exclusive membership resorts! Yes, you are in Phoooooorchooooooon!!!

Oh look, its our Darakin-based plot coupon. Assuming that only nobility are meant to be allowed here, this will make the presence of some we meet here very strange.
Demetrius: Yes, of course. Please enjoy your time here.
We can now explore Phorchoon.

Phorchoon has a casino. It has typical games like Roulette and Slot Machines. Like any casino, you have to buy chips to play the games. Were not going to bother playing, because there are easier ways to make all the chips you need in this game.

Here we have the in game measure by which you can see your affection values with different characters. You need 10 coins to use it, but 10 coins arent all that expensive, as for 100 gold per coin you only have to pay 1000, a trivial sum at this point.
Which character is tells you about is randomized like this

We havent been doing nearly enough to push our relationship with Maya, so of course were not full blown lovers here. And all the better for it, since shes still 14.
Obviously there are other characters to come up here, and they include:
-Our 5th and final party member (who we will meet this chapter)
-Joe (the information guy from Darakin who wears an eyepatch)
Why the game bothered to track Joes opinion of us is beyond me, but youll see him crop up if you waste a lot of coins on this psychic.
To give you an idea of how were doing, heres the relationships we get so far:
-Sharon: Is madly in love with Lang.
-Nancy: Is also madly in love.

-Kazan: Thinks of us as a near and dear friend.
-Phanta: Is developing a crush on Lang, because of course.
-Balzac: Hates us, probably because were stealing his girl.
-Joe: Also hates us, for reasons unknown to me.
What does any of this matter? I think you know the answer.
Now lets get on with the side scenes.

Sharon then leans the aforementioned Wild Gratin.

We move on to the Auction area. Ill tell you about auctions in a bit, but first we have a scene and a recipe to learn.

We allay her worries.

Eating this club sandwich teaches us how to make said sandwich.
Now lets go actually auction in the auction room, shall we?

Except for one instance later on, every time you do an auction, Sharon will join to act as your bidder. She describes herself as competing with you at one point, but shes more acting as your agent. Anything thats purchased is the partys stuff.

As you can see, Maya has technically joined us by virtue of happening to be in the same room. She does not do anything, unlike Sharon.

How auctions work in Legaia 2 is that Demetrius will present 3 items to you every session. The Inscribed Sword is not a weapon, but a decorative item for Mayas house.

Before you even get to act, the NPCs will typically start throwing around a few bids. You might recognise the name Lonatello as the dad of the girl we rescued from the sewers. But when you talk to him outside an auction, hes called Donatello, so I have no idea if theyre genuinely the same person or not.

Your choices are to make a bid, watch the NPCs bid some more, or just check out because you dont want the item.
We check out on the sword, but theres a stat raising item we can get here.

It says its sold to Sharon, but like I said, it just goes in your inventory.

The third and final main limb of Phorchoon is the Arena. As expected, it lets you fight battles in exchange for casino chips you can turn in for prizes. Its far simpler to just fight for chips than to rely on luck.
Id describe the arena battles, but were not doing them today. No, well be leaving that for near the end, actually.

Yes indeed, this is the third son of the Mesai Clan, brother to the MIGHTY Balken and Raynoff the Brave. Well be seeing him when we finally face the challenges of the arena.

Oh look whos here. Apparently, Bubba wont appear at Phorchoon unless you place the Friendship Ring on Elfins grave. Good thing we did.

Why would we bother to say no?

So I never quite commented on Bubbas weird relationship with Elfin. The game skirts the line of Bubba having love love for Elfin or just being very affectionate to his not-a-pet. But I think this cements the former: clearly the Friendship Ring was called the Love Bracelet in Japan, and they changed it to avoid the bestiality reference. I assume they forgot to change it here. Yeesh.

Yeah, we can face Bubba in the arena. Hell be a lot stronger than his boss fight counterpart.

This guy would teach us a Super Art, but we learnt all of those a long time ago.
Also, you might notice those two monsters in the arena. Every time to come out to the stands, youll see some monsters fighting. Every time theres a different pair.
If we go out and in again, we can see new scenes.

We choose to be nice and offer her a coin.

This a whole lot of coins. Naturally, I dont have that much on me. You get to choose again, but we dont have enough to offer even if we wanted to.

And so Maya learns the Fruity Pie recipe.
Now, with all that out of the way, lets finally go to Jinga.

Now Playing Roar of the Sea and Sky
Kyojin no oka Jinga. Exactly as.
Theres an entrance area prior to this place that serves no purpose. It just makes getting into Jinga slower and harder. And let me tell you, as this is a city of giants, it is very annoying to get around quickly.

We get this cut scene where this dragon? flies overhead and roosts on a far off building. At the entrance to said building, you see someone were about to become very familiar with.

Trying to talk to the locals nets us either silence or strange and threatening words. Our only recourse is to go where that flying whatever went.

Elderly Giant: Those people are different. They are Nature Speakers

Chief West Wind: I believe they call you Mystics now.

Chief West Wind: The Spirit, Reym, told me that you would come to these lands. Come with me, Nature Speakers

Chief West Wind: Do not let that concern you now, Silent Eagle Come, there is much to tell and little time.

Now Playing Wind, Tree and Water

Chief West Wind: Something That only I would be able to answer. Correct?

Chief West Wind: You speak of the Earth Crest. You must sit on it.
I think he meant he wanted us to sit down, given

Chief West Wind: I have watched the world for many, many years now. Their legends have not passed yet from this island. The Kabel were a people that sought to control the world Through magic.

I think Legaia 2 realised that it would have to have Maya make something of her Kabel heritage here, and realised that would be too interesting and left it out.

Chief West Wind: And what they craved Was power. With each new power they acquired, they lost a bit of their humanity By the time they controlled nature even life and death itself They believed themselves all-powerful But the Kabel were destroyed

Chief West Wind: The Kabel were destroyed by humans. Their arrogance proved to be their downfall. The Kabel were overconfident in their powers. They started to believe that they were not human, but gods. At least, that was their claim. The rest of humanity feared their control. They wanted to save the world and it compelled them to action. The ability to survive, enjoyed by all humanity, had been weakened in the Kabel due to their dependence on magic. So when the wars began, the Kabel were indeed powerful, but were lacking something. Humanity prevailed in the end.

Chief West Wind: Our one tribal law is as old as that legend.

Chief West Wind: Well yes, but one has to have an avenue of trade.

Chief West Wind: But I am the only one left that is able to communicate now.
Chief West Wind: Nature Speakers The Spirit told me that you would come here and why. If the legends of my ancestors are true, you are searching for the Altar of Fire on the Volcanic Isle. However You will never reach it Unless you can go through the Earth Crest.

Chief West Wind: This Is the Blue Sky Shard. With this The Earth Crest should lead you to the Altar of Fire.

Chief West Wind: The End is quickly approaching. We can no longer sit by idly and watch. The time to act has come. Our tribe lives on this world too. We are part of this world, Silent Eagle. You, the most noble and strongest of our warriors, are the only one fit to complete this task.

As expected, nothing you say matters. Silent Eagle is joining whether you like it or not. May as well be polite.

Chief West Wind: You must help each other. Silent Eagle, you are hereby exempt from the law until your task is complete.

Chief West Wind: Listen to me, Silent Eagle. The law applies only to the living. If the world is destroyed, there will be no living and the law will be useless.

So Lang canonically pulls this name out of his ass and applies it to this stranger. Huh.

Chief West Wind: Nature Speakers We have many valuable items that can only be found here. Some may prove useful in your journey. However, we have no use for money from the outside. If you have something of equal value, you may be able to trade.
As the Chief says, Jinga runs on a barter economy, and you can get great items here, but only in exchange for equally rare stuff.
Id go into more detail, but I think its best I leave things here for now.
Join me next time, where we learn more about Sile-I mean, Ayne, and finally, FINALLY experience Drokonia for real.